When Your Child or Teen Doesn’t Want To Go To School: 10 Strategies That Work

Hello Modern Parent!

This week’s episode again springs from a heartfelt question by one of our listeners. Many of us, as parents, have faced this - the echoing cry of our child or teen every morning:

"Why do I have to go to school?"

"I don't want to go today!"

It's a challenging situation, and this brave listener is right in the thick of it, grappling with this dilemma: Should they force their young person to attend school? What are some strategies they can use to reduce this constant morning complaint?

Well, that's what this week's podcast episode -- and the free episode guide -- is all about!

First of all, let's demystify this: The term we’re diving into this week is "school refusal," which is the term that psychologists and educators use to describe the symptomology of a child or teen who refuses to go to school on a regular basis, or has problems consistently staying in school all day. And if you think this is an isolated problem, let’s set the context with some startling facts.

Recent data from Attendance Works and Johns Hopkins University’s Everyone Graduates Center has unveiled concerning patterns in school attendance. In the 2021-22 school year, a staggering 2 out of 3 students were in schools with high rates of chronic absence. 'Chronic absence' is defined as missing at least 10% of the school year. Put into perspective, with an average 180-day school year, that's about 18 days missed - nearly one day a week. Considering these numbers, does it feel like your child or teen might be slowly slipping into this worrying trend?

Furthermore, during the 2021-22 period, roughly 30% of American students were chronically absent. Although the pandemic influenced this year, the following school year wasn’t much better. When I dove into the data, I expected to see significant improvement in the subsequent 2022-23 school year; however, the rate only slightly decreased from 30% to 28%. The persistence of such high absenteeism post-pandemic underscores the gravity of this issue.

From these numbers, it's evident that school refusal isn't an individual problem. It’s become a widespread concern affecting families across the board.

🎧 In this week's episode, you’ll learn:

  • How To Identify School Refusal: Grasping the essence of the problem is the first step towards a solution.
  • How This Affects This Generation Of Young People: Eye-opening statistics about the widespread nature of this issue.
  • Why Consistent School Attendance Is So IMportant: Discover why it's more than just a legal necessity, but a foundation for your young person's bright future.
  • The Psychology Behind School Refusal: What causes some kids and teens to resist school when others adapt with ease?
  • The 10 Strategies That Solve School Refusal: With our insights, shift into actionable steps you can take immediately.
  • How To Have Effective Conversations With Your Child Or Teen: I'll guide you on discussing school refusal with your young person. We'll aim for understanding and empowerment, ensuring the dialogue remains constructive and supportive -- and sets your young person on a path to consistent school attendance.

📓 This Week’s Episode Guide:

Now, the magic happens when knowledge meets action. As an email subscriber, you have instant access to the episode guide, designed to jump-start that very transformation.

Click HERE to download the Episode Guide: “Sunrise Success: Your Guide to Stress-Free School Mornings.”

I've seen firsthand the magic of a solid morning routine in warding off those "I don’t want to go to school" moments. So, I've whipped up a guide tailored to set your family up for a harmonious morning.

Inside the guide, you'll find:

  • Detailed notes on today’s topic, including a deep dive into the 10 strategies from the episode
  • A deeper understanding of school refusal.
  • A step-by-step exercise that helps you create a purposeful morning routine, ensuring both you and your young person are set up for a winning day ahead.

Your effort, your engagement, and your commitment to your young person's well-being are the compass guiding positive change. Believe in the process, act on the insights, and watch the mornings - and futures - brighten.


Dr. Becca Ballinger

p.s. I love your questions! Click the button below to email me your burning parenting question - especially if it involves the holidays. I'm creating several episodes on navigating the holidays in a stress-free and relationship-building way, so don't feel nervous to reach out to me. If you've got a question on a different parenting topic, send that question my way too! I'm here to help you be the best parent you can be :)

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Dr. Becca Ballinger | Modern Parenting Solutions

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