Caught in a Lie: How to Navigate Your Young Person's Dishonesty

Hello, my cherished email friends!

I know that you’re always on the hunt for valuable resources to elevate your parenting skills, and guess what? This week's episode topic came directly from a question one of YOU asked. When you have questions, I love to provide the answers—sometimes it even requires a whole podcast episode!

Here are some common questions that parents often ask me about this topic:

🤔 Have you ever discovered your young person telling a fib and thought, 'What's the reason behind this?'

🤔 Do you fret that catching your child or teen in a lie could be a red flag for a deeper character issue?

🤔 Are you puzzled about how to appropriately respond when you catch your young person being dishonest?

🤔 Do you wonder if your young person’s lying is a normal developmental phase or a sign of a bigger problem?

If you're nodding your head, you're not alone. Lying is a common issue that almost every parent faces at some point. But here's the good news: this episode is like a "Lying 101" course that every parent should have in their toolkit. Whether it's a minor issue or a more serious problem, I've got strategies that can help.

📚 What does the research say about young people and lying? I love doing the research so you don't have to! One study I discuss in the episode is a real jaw-dropper—it reveals that parents, often encourage their young person's dishonest behavior. Intrigued? You should be! This study uncovers the subtle ways we might be sending mixed signals about honesty and dishonesty. It's a must-listen if you want to understand the nuanced ways we might be influencing our young people's choices. Don't miss it!

🎧 Here's What You'll Discover in Today's Episode:

[3:30] The Complexity of Lying: What is lying, really? And why is it more intricate than you might think?

[9:00] The 8 Most Common Reasons: From avoiding punishment to seeking validation, I cover the 8 most frequent reasons why young people lie.

[27:10] Complications to Teaching Honesty: I'll discuss the paradoxes and pitfalls that can make teaching honesty a challenge.

[31:48] The Solutions: Tailored strategies for each of the 8 reasons. Say goodbye to guesswork and hello to a more honest household.

🌟 Why You'll Love This Episode:

  • It's Surprising: You'll learn things that might surprise you. For example, lying doesn't mean your young person has a serious character flaw.
  • It's Comprehensive: Think of this episode as a "Lying 101" course. You'll learn so much!
  • It's Empowering: The best part? You'll walk away with strategies tailored to the specific reasons why young people lie.

So, what are you waiting for? Tune in and let's get to the truth of the matter. I'm here to guide you every step of the way, offering the inspiration, education, and support you need to raise great kids in a modern world.


Dr. Becca Ballinger

P.S. Exciting news! I'm in the midst of revamping my online course for parents that gives you the strategies to boost your young person's motivation—whether it's for school, personal passions, or life in general. But I want to make sure it's as helpful as possible for you. So, what's on your mind when it comes to young people and motivation? Your questions and concerns are invaluable to me. Hit 'reply' and let me know what you're pondering. Your input could shape the course and help countless other parents, too! 😊

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Dr. Becca Ballinger | Modern Parenting Solutions

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