🎢 Stop the Rollercoaster Ride: Self-Control Strategies for Your Child or Teen!


Hello Modern Parent!

Fed up with the rollercoaster of impulsivity? Then it's time for a first-class ticket on the Self-Control Express!

👉 Do any of these situations resonate with you?

  • You're in the grocery store, and before you can say "healthy recipe," your little one has grabbed a candy bar from the checkout aisle and ripped it open. Now you're stuck in a public negotiation with a 4-year-old who is passionate about sugar.
  • Your teenager borrows your car for a "quick trip to the store" and comes back with a brand-new, very unauthorized video game. No discussion, no permission. Just a blank stare and a "Sorry, I just felt like it."
  • You're on a peaceful family walk, and suddenly your young child decides it's the perfect time to chase a squirrel. Into the street. Without looking. Heart-stopping moments ensue as you scramble to ensure their safety.
  • You find out your teen has skipped not one, but multiple classes to hang out with friends at the mall. When confronted, their defense is, "I didn't think it was a big deal."

If you're nodding your head to any of these scenarios, then this week's podcast episode is a must-listen for you. I'm diving deep into the world of self-control, offering actionable tips to help you navigate this challenging roller coaster ride. I want you to feel confident helping your young person develop better self-control with their decisions, actions, and emotions - and start developing more thoughtful and disciplined choices.


🎧 New Episode Alert: How to Flip the Script on Your Child's Impulse Control: 5 Game-Changing Tips 🎧

​This week's episode is a must-listen if you've ever felt like you're running out of strategies to help your young person manage their impulsive behaviors and emotions. I'm diving deep into the science and strategies behind self-control.

You will discover the importance of self-control, how to recognize its three forms, and actionable advice to begin improving it today. Yes! This is a skill that CAN be improved - you just need to know how to do it!


✏️ This Week's Homework Helper

As an email subscriber, you get immediate access to this week's Homework Helper. Think of it as your personal roadmap to transforming your family dynamics. It outlines the core concepts from the episode, provides hands-on exercises, and even helps you anticipate and overcome potential challenges when starting this new parenting strategy.

👉 Download Your Homework Helper Here​


🌟 Bonus: Your Top Self-Control Questions Answered! 🌟

This week, I want to give you a little extra love, Friend. I've gathered the most common questions I get about self-control and decided to tackle them right here. So let's dive in!

What is the right age to start teaching self-control?

  • What is the right age to start teaching self-control? The fantastic news is, it's never too early or too late to start teaching self-control! Whether you have a toddler who's just learning to share or a teenager navigating the complexities of high school life, there's room for improvement at every age. And here's the kicker—recent research shows that self-control in young people can actually be improved in just a matter of weeks! So, it's not about waiting for the 'right age,' but seizing the opportunity now, no matter your young person's age, to instill these invaluable skills.

How can I model self-control when I struggle with it myself?

  • First and foremost, cut yourself some slack. We're all works in progress, right? The beauty of this journey is that it can be a family project. Be open with your young person about your own struggles and goals in the realm of self-control. Celebrate your small victories together and view any setbacks as teachable moments for both of you. In fact, you might find it beneficial to give your young person permission to gently point out when you're acting on impulse. It's a two-way street, and there's something incredibly powerful about growing and learning together.

How can I set boundaries without being authoritarian?

  • Setting boundaries is crucial, but it doesn't mean you have to be a drill sergeant. The trick is to set clear expectations while also giving your young person some room to make choices. This balance helps them learn the consequences of their actions in a safe and loving environment.

What role does screen time play in self-control?

  • Screen time is a hot topic, and for good reason. Research indicates that excessive screen time can negatively impact self-control, finding that young people who spend more time in front of screens tend to have lower self-control and are more prone to impulsivity. The constant stimulation from screens can make it challenging for young people to focus on tasks that require more cognitive effort and patience. That's why it's crucial to set sensible screen time limits and balance it out with activities that nurture focus and self-discipline, like reading, physical play, or even mindfulness exercises.

Signs my young person is struggling with self-control?

  • Signs my young person is struggling with self-control? If your young person is having frequent emotional meltdowns over minor issues, impulsively making decisions without considering the consequences, or struggling to sit still and focus even for short periods of time, these could be warning signs. These behaviors could impact important areas of their life, such as academic performance, friendships, and even family dynamics. If you're seeing these signs consistently, it might be time to consult with a professional for further evaluation. But here's the silver lining: self-control is a skill that can be developed and improved! And guess what? This episode is packed with actionable tips to help you and your young person get started on building better self-control.

How do I differentiate between a lack of self-control and normal behavior?

  • Kids will be kids, and it's essential to remember that age-appropriate behavior varies. However, if you notice consistent, disruptive behaviors that don't seem to improve with time or intervention, it may indicate a deeper issue with self-control.

Fed up with the rollercoaster of impulsivity? Then it's time for a first-class ticket on the Self-Control Express!

Remember, you're not just a spectator on this journey; you're the coach, the mentor, and your young person's biggest fan. I'm here to support you every step of the way - and I believe in you wholeheartedly.

You've got this, and I can't wait to hear about all the incredible changes you'll experience in your family!


~ Dr. Becca Ballinger

p.s. Got a burning question about self-control that I didn't cover? Hit reply and ask away! I'm here to help guide you through this parenting journey.

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​iTunes | Amazon Music | Spotify | iHeart Radio | My Show Notes​

** Thank you for the feedback about Stitcher! I am currently fixing the Spotify feed and it should be fixed shortly! **​​

Dr. Becca Ballinger | Modern Parenting Solutions

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