3 Ways Tech is Ruining Your Child's Life [And How To Prevent This From Happening]

Hello Modern Parent!

"How do I get my kid to unplug from video games/social media/YouTube?"

I hear this question every day in the office at Modern Parenting Solutions.

As a child psychologist, I've seen tech take over our young people's lives, and this robs them of their:

  • Their motivation,
  • Their energy,
  • Their self-esteem,
  • And their interesting personalities


The TECH MONSTER - that invisible enemy whose overarching goal is to steal your child or teen's most valuable internal assets - makes participating in tech activities so much more enjoyable than working personal development activities.

Most young people would rather spend time on their smartphones, tablets, or video game consoles rather than do homework, household chores, extracurricular activities, or participate in hobbies that serve to develop their natural talents and abilities.

So what can you do?

The first step is to listen to this week's podcast or read this weeks blog post, to understand where the Tech Monster is silently doing its most dangerous work robbing your child of their bright future.

Step 2 is to download the free parenting resource that goes along with this topic. I've created 3 parent-chid contracts that serve to help YOU organize your thoughts about tech in your home, create boundaries using your Passions, Values, and Beliefs (PVBs), and then to communicate these boundaries to your child or teen.


And step 3 is to watch out for next week's email because I'll be addressing the #1 reason why parents give up when attempting to put boundaries down around tech in their home: how to teach their young person to participate in activities that DON'T involve tech.

If you feel like technology is out of balance in your home, then you won't want to miss this week's podcast or blog post and next week's content as well.


Dr. Becca Ballinger



Listen to this week's podcast on your favorite podcast player:


p.s. If you have questions about young people and tech, please feel free to reach out to me ANS ASK! I'd love to hear from you! Hot 'reply' to the email and ask your question or go HERE to ask.

Dr. Becca Ballinger | Modern Parenting Solutions

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